The L.E.A.D. Generator Training – (be) Emphatic

Social Authority (Be Emphatic!)

While your email campaigns with Connect 365 will help you stand out by delivering personal emails at scale so your recipients feel as though you are personally sending them a note, by itself that's not always enough.

To maximize your results you should develop stronger positioning and more consistent awareness campaigns to your prospects.

By following the lessons below to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you'll have a better chance of converting your prospects on LinkedIn into connections. This will give you a wider audience to send your email campaigns to.

And when you mix-in consistent and valuable social media updates to your network you'll create more awareness and reach top-of-mind status with your prospects.

This will help your emails get noticed. It will help you achieve more organic sales opportunities. And position your business as an authority leader in your market.

Follow the training below to elevate your positioning online and be more Emphatic!

Profile Optimization

Your prospect profile is about getting crystal clear on the demographics and psychographics about the audience you are targeting.

Who makes the best clients for your business?

What characteristics do they share?

For help developing a prospect profile that you can use to build prospect searches, download the worksheet below.

Module 2 Training Lessons

  1. Profile Optimization (viewing)
  2. Social Media Content


Looking for More?

The Lead Generator Bootcamp (On-Demand)

Weekly Workshops (Live)

Your prospect profile is about getting crystal clear on the demographics and psychographics about the audience you are targeting.

Who makes the best clients for your business?

What characteristics do they share?

For help developing a prospect profile that you can use to build prospect searches, download the worksheet below.

Module 2 Training Lessons

  1. Profile Optimization
  2. Social Media Content (viewing)


Looking for More?

The Lead Generator Bootcamp (On-Demand)

Weekly Workshops (Live)

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