The Lead Generator Core Training Modules
Module 1: Lay the Foundation
Module 2: (Be) Emphatic
Module 3: Attract Prospects
Module 4: Develop Relationships
Lay the Foundation (Starting from Scratch?)
To create a successful Lead Generation system, there are some foundational elements you must have in place.
You need to have a crystal clear focus on the exact types of people you will work with.
You need to understand what motivates these individuals to act.
And you need to know how to communicate what makes you different than all the other vendors out there and sets you apart from your competitors.
In the worksheets below, we'll walk you through the exercises and training to create a strong foundation for the rest of your work in The LEAD Generator.
Creating Your Prospect Profile
Your prospect profile is about getting crystal clear on the demographics and psychographics about the audience you are targeting.
Who makes the best clients for your business?
What characteristics do they share?
For help developing a prospect profile that you can use to build prospect searches, download the worksheet below.
Value Identifiers
Value identifiers are about understanding what makes your prospects tick.
What motivates them to respond? To act? To engage?
For help developing the value identifier list that you can use to help our team find and post the most compelling content for your audience, download the worksheet below.
Define USP & Niche
What separates you from your competitors?
How do you communicate that to your prospects?
Get our playbook to help you better define what separates you from the competition, and how to begin utilizing that within your Lead Generator campaigns, download the worksheet below.
Link Email Account
Before you can create any type of Personal Messaging campaign within Connect 365, you need to first link your Email account.
Follow the tutorial linked below on how to integrate your email account account.
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